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FoneFlirt is the best dating website to find friends, meet local men and women, mingle and hook up. Our online dating site really works. Join over 500.000 members for free and start searching for someone in less than 30 seconds. Our online dating site really works. Join over 500.000 members for free and start searching for someone in less than 30 seconds.
We welcome members from all walks of life looking to flirt, chat and meet new people. We are a friendly welcoming place. All profiles and pictures are checked by real people, you can pick up the phone and speak to us. Don’t rely on Cupid alone, we help a wide range of young and mature singles looking for love and friendship. Find your soulmate or a flirt chat and date tonight.
We match first timers, single parents and separated second timers looking to enjoy online dating. There are plenty of fish in the sea, so sign up to the genuine online dating oasis. We have been connecting genuine UK singles for over 10 years. Login, flirt and chat over instant message and live chat in a secure private chat room.


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A lady in Doncaster found her special one on FoneFlirt! " ... I am in a relationship now Thanks to FoneFlirt"


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Just hit the join button, then fill in the form with your age, gender and who you are looking to meet.
Joining is free and takes a couple of seconds.
We have over 750,000 UK members.
Over 80,000 are active, with 1000s of new members joining ever month.
Yes you can see members that provide pictures.
You can add a picture yourself and choose to have it public, or make it private and only send it to members you hit it off with.
We are based in Epsom, Surrey in the UK.
As a UK based company you can rest assured that we adhere to all UK regulations and your data is safe.
Age, gender, the gender you want to meet, a postcode prefix, so we can find people near to you. We also need a mobile number so we can notify you when you get messages and to ensure all members are genuine and UK based. You do not need a credit card to join.
Join up, add some details about yourself, then start looking for members using search. Then just send a message to anyone you like the look of. The site is designed mostly for mobile users, so we find that a quickfire conversation back and forward is the best way to use it.
It is free to join the site. Some elements of the site require you to buy credits. Each credit costs between 10p and 40p depending on payment method and the number of credits you buy in a bundle. You can buy credits using your mobile phone bill / PAYG credit, we accept card payment and you can also use PayPoint in many shops.
All dating sites where you can meet someone you do not know carry some risk.
We minimise risk through moderation for suspicious activity, UK mobile number verification to ensure everyone is UK based.
We recommend that you do not give up personal info to other members until you feel comfortable.
If you do choose to meet someone, make sure you let someone else know your plans. Meet in a public place and do not travel to or from the venue with your date.
Of course. Everyone on the site is UK based and looking to meet someone too.
We recommend that you do not give up personal info to other members until you feel completely comfortable.
If you do choose to meet someone, make sure you let someone else know your plans. Meet in a public place and do not travel to or from the venue with your date.
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